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Classification Questionnaire Information

An employee who believes their job duties and responsibilities more closely resemble those of another job classification in the classified branch of service, rather than the one currently assigned, may request a study be conducted by the Department of Administration to determine the proper job classification.*

While most union contracts have specific provisions which include time frames regarding this process, below you will find general information about this process.

Step One: Classification Questionnaire
Please fill out the Classification Questionnaire.

Mail the completed form to:

Division of Human Resources
Human Capital Management Unit
One Capitol Hill
Providence RI 02908

Or email it to: lisa.bernardo@hr.ri.gov

Step Two: Completing the Form
The employee completes the 3-part form and submits all copies to their immediate supervisor. The employee is responsible to comprehensively and accurately complete the classification questionnaire form and, specifically, to describe, in detail, the work they perform. Employees may attach additional statements and documentation to the official form. The supervisor completes their section of the form and submits all copies to their Department Head. The Department Head completes their section of the form and submits all copies to the human resources office.

Step Three: Submission to the Department of Administration
The human resources office forwards one copy of the completed form to the employee, keeps one copy on file, and submits the original to the Department of Administration, Division of Human Resources, Office of Classification and Examinations.

Step Four: Completing the Job Study
Upon receipt, a Human Resources Analyst from the Office of Classification and Examinations will schedule a field audit with the employee, their immediate supervisor and, in some instances, other supervisory personnel. During the field audit, they review, in detail, the job duties and responsibilities performed. After the classification questionnaire and the findings from the field audit have been reviewed and studied, a decision letter is issued.

Step Five: The Decision Letter
An employee may be found to be one of the following

  • Properly Classified: The employee is found to be performing duties consistent with their current job classification. Or,
  • Working Out of Classification: The employee is found to be performing the duties of a different job classification(s).

Decision letters are sent to the employee's human resources official with copies to the employee and the union official (if applicable).

Step Six: Resulting Options
If the employee is found to be "Working Out of Classification", the Department/Agency may exercise one of three options: 1) reallocate the position and employee to the more appropriate job classification, 2) issue a "cease and desist" notice to the employee directing them to stop performing duties other than those required of their current job classification, or 3) if no classification exists, request to create a classification via public hearing which reflects the duties performed by the employee. The employee should contact their human resources office for the decision on which option the Department/Agency has elected if they have not been advised upon receipt of their copy of the decision letter.

Questions may be directed to the RI Department of Administration, Division of Human Resources, at (401) 222-2160 or to your human resources office.

An employee who is required, in writing by a superior, to work in a higher class of position and is compensated for that "acting" assignment may not file a classification questionnaire for a study.